Renewable Energy Solution
Renewable energies are sources of clean, timeless and increasingly competitive energies in this universe. For over centuries, humans take a big part on why climate change occur. In Indonesia alone, where we are uniquely shaped geographically with 17.504 islands and with approximately more than 266 million residents living in 2018, electricity becomes a main need of its citizen. However, only certain places in Indonesia are well electrified due to lack of power plant to distribute the electricity.

And that is why GSPE is committed to be the part of the change by producing :
Tribrid System: Solar Panel, Genset & Lithium Batteries
Hybrid System: Solar Panel & Lithium Batteries
One of our latest power system energy was installed in a remote area of GN. Keramaian, Perdau, Matamanis, Sei Mayang, Muara Lesan, Kotabangun Empat, Gunung Kukum Bukit Barapung, Hut Tanah Merah, Tirta Agung Mangsang, Sungsang, Pulau Galang Baru, Pantai Pasir Panjang, Glang Baru Tengah, Karanganyar 2, Sukamakmur Kampar Kiri, Kulim, Gunung Sari Kampar, Putri Island and Pantara Island that is purposed to reduce the gas emission in Indonesia. By contributing and taking this small step, we have hope that it would help us make our surroundings to be a better place for our children in the future.